Tuesday, May 03, 2005


hallo........... anybody missed me??

i'm now still in taipei.. @ the office of the organisers now... have abt 10 mins to use the pc?

TAIPEI has been great... though i din win the competition.. i learnt a lot of stuff... made many new friends too.. haha... most importantly, i took LOADS and LOADS of pictures!!!! i think abt 500-600 ?!?!?!? haahahahah.... thks kershin for loaning me the memory card.. hahaah...

been to many many places... taipei's weather is similar to Singapore, slightly cooler... food's great i tell u.. ppls v friendly too..

alright.. i gtg liao.. catch up wif ALL of you when i'm back ok? I MISS YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH!

can't wait to see mummy and dear dear tom... ;op

muackz and hugz!

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