Tuesday, May 10, 2005


one of my best best friends jux celebrated his 23rd Bdae on friday...

Kajua. a name whom i have been calling for the past 10 years. my buddy who has stood by me through some really tough times.. a genuine friend who has never harboured any ill intentions towards our friendship.. a friend whom i know i can count on at all times...

got him a wallet, a cake and a small keychain... like i said.. people will have no difficulties engraving your name onto a keychain.. but remembering the exact date of your bdae? i presume not many can do it... 9th May has always been a special day in my heart... a day where i was blessed with a great buddy, a great confidante and of cox a great singing partner..

cheers to this amazing 10 year friendship my dear friend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY once again...

enjoy the pics and Friends Forever...

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