Wednesday, May 25, 2005


jux back frm my anniversary dinner with dear dear...

went to Paris Genghis Khan @ Taka for our dinner.. super ex ! but dear paid.. hehe.. thks dear dear.....

dear got me a pair of earrings frm D'Meyson, as well as a self written card... v pretty.. will take gd care of it...

got him a palmOne and a 256mb SD card... hehe.. now he can use it to store pics, listen to music, watch mtv and do many other things.. heheh.....

a v tiring day in sch...'officially' took over the 3 classes... set rules with them, divided them into groups, punished some of them to show them i mean business... etc...

all the classes seem pretty normal.. kids are talkative afterall... but they din turn out to be as scary as i tot they would be.... hopefully my judgement is still right...

had contact time after that, chatted a while wif my HOD... hopefully i can prove my worth to her asap and eradicate the bad impression she has of untrained young teachers... kenna arrowed to visit Alexandra Hospital, as well as do up a class for the Care for your Eyes Campaign....

v v tired now.. jux finished my ppt collection of games, songs and music mp3s....

Hope that tom will be a better day... v tired... hope to get some beauty sleep tomorrow afternoon..

thks dearest dear dear for everything... i really love the present a lot a lot... muackz muackz and like you say... may we have many more years to go! Ai Ni !

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