Sunday, November 27, 2005


YESTERDAY's David Tao concert was FANTASTIC !!!

David Tao - Love can change the world Concert, 26th Nov 2005.

we watched his Soul Power Concert on 7th Dec 2003. though it's the same singer, but a total different feeling altogether. no wonder he has been branded the title of 音乐教父.

managed to get my tix @ a whopping 40% discount, thanks to Esther for that.. dear ALMOST got the tickets too! but luckily we found out juxt in time and cancelled the double purchase.. but the feeling of knowing that your loved one wants to get you the exact same present as you do really tells a lot.. 心有灵犀...

anyway, i managed to get 2 pics of David Tao on stage, thks to i was very impressed with her command of Chinese.. nv knew she could write so well.. realli amazing man... well done Ting!

security this year was v tight.. no cameras allowed! but i managed to sneak one in.. ha.. but then there were little opportunities for me to snap cox the security would whisk you and your camera away the moment they saw flashlights!!! saw them catch so many pple... so scary..

anyway, Dear and me turned up for the concert in our 'Chelsea and England tops'.. as a way of celebrating the end of dear's agony and also our special day... 25th Nov 2005.

it's been a long long way. seriously.

longer than anything in the world.

4.5 years of my nonsense, temper, attitudes etc. but you've put up with all of them nevertheless..

in return, 4.5 years of your unconditioning love, care and concern for me. 100% genuine in every aspect.

i'm really thankful and grateful for having you in my life.

if our paths had not crossed some 5 years ago, and we had never gone out for our 1st Friendship Day cum Valentine's Day dinner back then @ Jack's place, i wonder whom we both would have ended up with now...

as the days pass, our love for each other grows too.. we may have made silly mistakes along the way, but what's important is affirming our love for each other @ the end of all these.

I agree with David Tao.... LOVE CAN change the world... i wanna say a big THANKEW to the man of my life... for going thru all the 'thick and thin' days with me.. 4 years 6 mths.. and still counting...



Marla S said...

so shweet.

to your dear,

and to me...

and ahemahem! What do you mean you never knew i could write so well?! DO I come across like a bimbo to you! Hmphffff.

my cheena very rusty already, babe.

and actually it used to be my forte, whilst english was my weakest link.

The concert was indeed awesome.

Love it. :)

Glad you had fun too!

sHaRoN said...

dear gal,

thks for tagging.. really surprised.. ha... wat i meant was that i am v impressed by your good command of chinese.. cox i chanced upon ur blog some time back (since the twirling days)and i have nv seen u blog in chinese..

really impressive.. it really takes a lot of effort to type those tots of urs out in chinese..

anyway.. thks and take care!