Tuesday, November 15, 2005


finally 2 days of agony's over.

Spent the past 2 days @ Orchid Country Club attending some freaking bo liao NE Seminar.

come on, i'm not even in the NE committee, to begin with.

the topics discussed have more or less been taught in NIE's induction programme... terrorism, national pride, racial sensitivity etc...

i sort of expected more than what was given. perhaps better lesson ideas for us to infuse NE into curriculum, without having to teach NE for the sake of teaching. you know wat i mean?

haiz. really a total waste of time. would prefer being in sch, with my darlings...

the only consolation? the food was pretty nice. ha.

met the captain who was in charge of Judy's solemnization ceremony. He still recognises me.. haha...

jux glad that the whole damn thing is over. One more record to my TRAISI.

on the other hand, the cold war has been ongoing for exactly 8 days liao. SHE still refuses to talk to me. Her bdae's coming.. Thu to be exact... attempts to bring her out to eat have failed. Twice. Once on Sunday and another Yesterday. Thinking if i should go to her office to surprise her on Thu evening.. will pengz if she tells me she got plans , either singing or dancing.

SHE has changed. Attitude rulez now huh? why is everyone like that?

anyway, happy belated to ed on 14th Nov. and happy bdae to Ade today, Kian Wee tom, and Veron and my mum on Thu...

a busy Nov week this time every year... i can still remember the good old days where we would cart out the mahjong table frm my living room to the corridor... den place 4 cakes on it..take turns for them to blow it out.. ha... den smash their face onto the cakes cox there was no way the few of us could finish 4 cakes at one go! haaa...

to end off today's entry, i have something to share, taken from a blog which i chanced upon ....

"i know you do, i know we shouldn't, but can we change feelings just like that?"

"you're a kite which hates to be pulled too tight yet it has a world outside. Why not let it fly and mayb one day it might return..."

we shd start appreciating the simple things in life. i love you dear.

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