Wednesday, November 30, 2005
i love you
i love you
i love you我就是要你让我每天都精彩
i love you到底有几分说得比想像更快
i love you我就是要你让我每天都精彩
i love you到底有几分说得比想像更快
i love you我就是要你让我每天都精彩
i love you到底有几分说得比想像更快
Sunday, November 27, 2005
YESTERDAY's David Tao concert was FANTASTIC !!!
David Tao - Love can change the world Concert, 26th Nov 2005.
we watched his Soul Power Concert on 7th Dec 2003. though it's the same singer, but a total different feeling altogether. no wonder he has been branded the title of 音乐教父.
managed to get my tix @ a whopping 40% discount, thanks to Esther for that.. dear ALMOST got the tickets too! but luckily we found out juxt in time and cancelled the double purchase.. but the feeling of knowing that your loved one wants to get you the exact same present as you do really tells a lot.. 心有灵犀...
anyway, i managed to get 2 pics of David Tao on stage, thks to i was very impressed with her command of Chinese.. nv knew she could write so well.. realli amazing man... well done Ting!
security this year was v tight.. no cameras allowed! but i managed to sneak one in.. ha.. but then there were little opportunities for me to snap cox the security would whisk you and your camera away the moment they saw flashlights!!! saw them catch so many pple... so scary..
anyway, Dear and me turned up for the concert in our 'Chelsea and England tops'.. as a way of celebrating the end of dear's agony and also our special day... 25th Nov 2005.
it's been a long long way. seriously.
longer than anything in the world.
4.5 years of my nonsense, temper, attitudes etc. but you've put up with all of them nevertheless..
in return, 4.5 years of your unconditioning love, care and concern for me. 100% genuine in every aspect.
i'm really thankful and grateful for having you in my life.
if our paths had not crossed some 5 years ago, and we had never gone out for our 1st Friendship Day cum Valentine's Day dinner back then @ Jack's place, i wonder whom we both would have ended up with now...
as the days pass, our love for each other grows too.. we may have made silly mistakes along the way, but what's important is affirming our love for each other @ the end of all these.
I agree with David Tao.... LOVE CAN change the world... i wanna say a big THANKEW to the man of my life... for going thru all the 'thick and thin' days with me.. 4 years 6 mths.. and still counting...
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
r.e.w.i.n.d.... to Mon 21st Nov.
spent a full day in school as part of the Work Plan Seminar Week...went town to get my Sarong Kebaya and a new fragrance.. bought the latest Gucci Envy Me in the end... den met up with Janice and James after school for dinner @ Cream Bistro.. quite a nice place to patronise.. food quite nice... pricing not too ex too.. and they serve v nice green tea frappe! haaa.... chatted for a while over dinner, den James's parents were so kind to give me a lift home.. hehe...
Tue 22nd Nov.
Day 2 of the Work Plan Week. After that had Bak Kut Teh @ Balestier.. wanted to catch the Exorcism of Emily Rose.. but in the end din... electricity in the house was down and mummy was infuriated. rushed home and managed to get things back in order, thks to meiyan and nicholas... haiz.. oh ya.. had my Sarong Kebaya tailored too cox i needed it for the DND..
Wed 23rd Nov.
back to sch again for Discipline/Character Development mtg... had roti prata, courtesy of Cui Hoon.. collected my dress from the tailor after lunch, den went for facial.. den slpt for a little while befor making my way down to Orchard Hotel..
My 1st MOE DND. impressive i would say.. a total of 64 tables, and they had everything arranged systematically, minus the glitch which almost cox me to withdraw from the dinner.. but anyway it was solved this morning...
there was a wide variety of pre-dinner activities... caricature drawings, hair styling, professional photography, photo taking with huge yellow snake and 'tikam' stalls... i tried the 1st 3.. hehe...
the 7 course dinner was v filling.. and the emcee made the crowd v spontanous too.. kudos to a job well done by the MESRC!
Enjoy the pics below.. me turning in for the night.. tuition tom morning, meeting yan in the evening...
The stage setting.. theme of the dnd was "Singapore BAGUS"
My 1st dish of the night.. cold dish platter... v nice.... hehe...
went there with straight hair.. cox too lazy to go saloon to do... in the end there was a 'makeover station' and there were hair stylists to help us with our hair before a professional took photos of us...
so this was how i looked after a 5min makeover...
Up close and personal with me...
met Violet from TTC there too... tooka pic with her...
final photo of the night... @ Orchard Hotel Shopping arcade....
Singapore girl.. a great way to fly.... ha........
ALL the best for your final 2 papers yan!
and yes.. Happy belated Bdae to Paul! couldnt be online last night cox no electricity... Sheng Ri Kuai Le!!!
Dearest, last paper on Friday ... jia you! after that itz ah ma's home cooked food, as well as a 'little something' on Sat.. ha... I love what you say - GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE.
For all the efforts we have put in separately, let's enjoy ourselves together this Sat night... i love you... muackz...
Sunday, November 20, 2005
couldnt really sleep despite being on the bed. wanted to sleep early cox i had a busy Sat... Lucky Summer and gang went to AMK for porridge and den Fishermen Village for some drinks at Ivan's place. chatted wif her and she was telling me about how the guys were checking the waitresses out.. and in the end Bryan even piggy-back Summer all the way to the carpark.. and he walked her up to her house while Aaron waited in the car.. ha... so sweet of him... mmmmmmmm...... lots of action that night man.. ;op
finally went into slumberland after Summer got home.. heard that they were stopped by roadblock along AMK Ave 3.. one of the hot spots... but in the end nothing happened.. heng ah...
as for me, woke up a few hours later, reluctantly dragged myself out of bed and prepared to head down to Chinese High for a workshop... slpt on bus 74 and got up some 30 mins later.. the workshop was a bore cox Liew and me spent more than half the time waiting for the VVVIP to arrive.. in the end had to listen to a few speeches (of which i felt was totally none of my concern).. wtf.
BUT the plus factor was that there was an exhibition of SEED ideas by several schools.. i think each sch has done a great job! all the efforts put in by them.. in my sch it's not easy to push the idea of SEED. there's no proper focus, no proper system and no fixed plans to get work done. the exhibition really helped to put some stuff back on track for me.. at least i managed to see how i could TRY modify some of the existing ideas to suit my kids... not bad after all...
Liew and me headed to Hyatt Hotel after that for our staff lunch @ the Straits Cafe.. the food there was great man... local fare like satay, popiah, chicken rice etc.. and they had oyster omlette too! (1st time i tried this @ a buffet)... and it was Sensational! omg... they were grabbed up faster than the chef could fry! ha.... later i found out that the price was $35+++ per person.. no wonder they replaced our cultery each time we finished a plate.. and they nv failed to do that within 10 secs after you finish your food.. great efficiency man...
BUT my splitting headache forbidded me from eating too much.. which is good too cox i think i'm putting on weight. AGAIN. ha... i finally couldnt take it anymore.. resisted the temptation to take cab from the lobby of Hyatt Hotel cox there was a huge jam, erp in operation also... decided to go home by train to take a nap as it would be faster... popped 2 panadols n slpt frm 3 till 630pm.. if not for the dinner which followed, i would definitely have slpt till Sunday morning.
thks to dear for waking me up... if not i surely overslpt... prepared and headed down to Traders' Hotel to attend Mrs Chan's son's wedding dinner..huge jam along cte and in orchard.. final cab fare - $11 ..... i was still quite full from the staff lunch thus din eat much. P sat next to me and we engaged in some brief conversations.. haha.. biatch sat on the other side. the whole table drank red wine.. the last time we also did the same @ Mrs Wong's son's wedding dinner.. the male teachers, esp Mr Lim and Mr Lau were the best man.. red wine, beer, chinese tea.. omg.. haaa
thankfully Vincent fetched me home after that. we stopped by BQ for a while cox he had to pick something up from his friend.. and i bumped into Semson there! it's been a long while since i met this sec sch friend of mine.. ha... he jux ord-ed.. now finding a job.. chatted for a while till Vincent was done.. den we left... concluded that Shin Bar's a place to get sloshed, esp when you're with the wrong company.. Liquid and Xchange seem to be much better places to chill out.. esp if you know the boss.. ha... jux my random tots...
got home, bathed, concussed str8 even b4 my hair was dry.. ha... slept all the way till 3pm today.. ha.....
ate, rested, msn-ed, blogged. gonna slack the rest of my sunday away.
tom's the 1st week of the sch holidays, but it's our work plan week. expecting 830am-430pm daily for the nxt 5 days... but well ... itz good in a way.. won have the time nor the urge to go shopping.. den fri dear will finish his last paper and YIPEE!!! i can see him then!
dear dear, pls work hardest ok! 3 more only.. most support you... muackz...
Friday, November 18, 2005
spent the 1st 2 periods with my P4 kids.. they threw a class party and invited me to join them.. i din eat antg cox i was more preoccupied with taking pictures... haha... we played the 'bombing game' and poor Bai Yang and Ryan kept being arrowed.. in the end they had to come out and dance.. it was so hilarious that i almost rolled off my chair... hahah...
after that, my P3s saw me in the class and i went over to take pics wif them as well...
but nothing could beat my p2s. they hugged me (sooo tight till i couldnt breathe)... and 3 of them cried.. i almost cried too but i had to control myself and take care of them...
Benetton, Felicia and Rachel Qwek. the 3 silly ones. and Reyner gave me 2 cards, one from his mum, one from him.. i opened it up @ the assembly area and was so touched that tears trickled down my cheek.. ha... v emotional of me...
den before i left the class, the kids asked me for my contact no, i gave them my email.. then they asked for my MSN. realised that even P2s already have their personal MSNs.. omg.. talk about technology...
it was a sad day, cox it marked the end of my 2 terms with them.. time relli flies.. but i'm contented with all the happy memories they have left me...
lots of pics.. have posted them in 'small size' so that it is faster and doesnt take forever to load on some of ur computers.. haha.. enjoy them... each and everyone of them - my gems.
Invited to my P4 class's party...
Kai Lin and me...
Zu Er and me...
Xue Ting and me...
Jia Xian and me...
Guo Sheng and me...
Lin Zhi Yong and me... Zheng Kun and me...
Quan Wei and me...
Ran Ran, Han Wen and me... Ai Qin and me...
Yu Wei and me...
Ye Hui and me...
Hong Jun and me...
Jia Quan and me...
Xin Hong and me...
Guan Wen and me...
Jing Hui and me...
Jiajun and me...
Ru Ting and me...
Jerome and me...
Jia Zhen and me...
Jun Hong and me...
Yuan Shu and me...
Zhi Hua and me...
Zhong Hong and me...
Ziyun and me...
Jia Ern and Le Ern @ P1 Orientation...
i prepared the ppt slides before i went for the NE seminar... but in the end some tcrs feedback that the stage would look terribly empty once the projection screen went up.. so smth had to be done to the walls of the stage... VP den assigned 4 'lucky ones' to be relieved of their teaching periods to do up the stage.. pls see pics for the end results...
me? lucky one? i'm not really sure.
jus today, ANOTHER colleague of mine commented that 'i was very prominent in many of the activities"... alsways see me involved in all kinds of rubbish... one colleague said i was 'poor thing' cox always kenna arrowed.. another saw it as a way of proving myself to the school...
the mad biatch is at it AGAIN. god knows when i stepped on her tail.
she doesnt own the dept. nor the school for any matter. who are you togive pple a black face whenever you're unhappy? does that mean i have to bear the brunt too if you had an unhappy night @ home? for your quarrels with your husband? F*** it.
i'm gonna tread so carefully that i m not gg to give u ANY chance to push ANY blame on me. watch it lady, cox you donnoe who you're messing around with. PUSH me to my limits and i'll give you HELL as well. try me if you don believe. BIATCH.
on a happier note, enjoy the pics below! cheers to a job well done!!!
Presentation slide done by me...
The Chinese Drummers...
The Chinese dancers...
The Malay dancers...
P1 kids dancing to the tune 'Sha la la la'...
Choir performance - I have a dream..
The pple behind the backdrop.. Joey, Yasmeen and me!