Thursday, November 15, 2007



Went for facial @ COSLAB... & signed a package with them cox i really like the 2 facial masks they did for me...

had my work review done... some improvements and several AFIs...

successfully completed the P5 proverbs competition

Watched BEE Movie @ AMK HUB with dear

attended MOE DND @ Safra Mt Faber with my colleagues... (stupid me went all the way up to the mountain only to find the Pioneer Spring restaurant is not @ Mt Faber! went all the way down again and detoured to Safra Mt Faber) *pics to come later*

went to help out @ the TOY BUFFET @ Chinese International School... a successful event with lots of toys, kids and fun! yipee!!! *pics to come later*

celebrated dear's ah gong's bdae @ TPY SAKURA.. 15 of us altogether.. had a great time eating... and after that dear, sis and i went to sing KBox! first time singing with sis... realised she has really grown up a lot liao.. no longer the pr4 lil girl she was when i first knew her... now maturing into a young adult... hehe.... and i can tell dear relli loves her a lot too! me too!


itz the last week of school for me and the kids!

yesterday 14/11/07 was a gd friend's bdae... glad to know everything is going well...

Prize Presentation and P1 Orientation is ON tomorrow... friday 16/11/07... luckily this yr my duties are lighter... thanks to my understanding boss.. hahaha...

sat's mummy's bdae as well as my sch's annual staff lunch.. the last time we will be be dining together as a sch with my current Principal... sigh... we are so gonna miss him man.......

sun's mummy bdae celebration.. bringing her to Pearl River Palace @ Suntec to eat her fav buffet... and maybe a movie after that... @ night gonna go to dear's god grandpa's bdae celebrations... busy busy sunday!!!

more to come on the 1st wk of the holidays...

oh yes! i nid to:

get present for sisters' christmas xchange
develop my photos for 2007
save up for my beijing trip
attend wedding dinners

i m a busy bee!!!!!!!!!!!!

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