Thursday, June 22, 2006


after a long day of practice and competition,

i m pleased to announce...

3 of my kids made it to the next round of the competition!! aka tom @ 4pm!!!

was a long day for them, for me too..

my colleague who WAS on maternity leave is back in school. but she still doesnt smile when she sees ME. boo.

6 new trainees have reported to my sch as well, met the trainee in my dept too. seems like a humble lady. and also one of my sch mates from NYJC too! he was in Pugilistics during the NYJC days... haaaaa. we both got a shock when we saw each other! wat a surprise!! haaaaaaaaa.

had tea wif Sharlyn @ NLB... itz been chatting wif her for the past 2 days.. hehe... went home after the results were announced at ard 5pm.. after a 20 mins long wait for cabs.

dear came to pick me up after work.. went to east coast...

itz been a great evening wif dear dear...

the sumptous food, the ultra-cooling breeze, the song session and the hugs.

thks dear, for making my ordinary thu evening an extraordinary one.

hugs and muacks.

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