Primary TWO:
Band 1 - 13
Band 2 - 10
Band 3 - 7
Band 4 - 1
Total - 31
Primary THREE:
Band 1 - 0
Band 2 - 12
Band 3 - 18
Band 4 - 9
Total - 39
Primary FOR:
Band 1 - 10
Band 2 - 15
Band 3 - 5
Band 4 - 7
Total - 37
Hmm... wat shd i say? i am generally satisfied with most of their performance... esp my P4s for getting 10 Band 1s... though P3s did not manage any Band 1s, the failure rate has dropped tremendously.. from 18 to 9.. hehe.. Band 1 for P4s increased from 9 to 10 pupils...
Outstanding class matters:
- check and finalise their results on Monday
- draft and print the student/ parent evaluation form
- finish the CME syllabus
- get my gifts ready...
had a great sleep jux now.. itz a super chilly weather outside, but the buzz is all around cox of the pasar malam jux below my house... i can smell Ramly Burger, Taiwan Sauasage, Tutu Kueh, Tako Pachi etc... but i can't eat them! cox i have a bad sore throat... and i promised dear dear i will watch my diet and not aggravate my sore throat... went to see the doc jux now to get some medicine for my swollen throat...
watching Tong Xin Yuan.. mayb i'll start to draft up the letter for parents soon.. or even type out the composition entries which i want to submit to the Bookworm Club for a competition...
miss ya dear.. think you're studying hard @ LWN library.. mug mug mug but remember to eat and sleep well too ok? i miss you sooo much.... you muxt muxt take care of your health ok? muackz muackz muackz...
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