Friday, October 28, 2005


The results of my kids's SA II:

Primary TWO:

Band 1 - 13
Band 2 - 10
Band 3 - 7
Band 4 - 1
Total - 31

Primary THREE:

Band 1 - 0
Band 2 - 12
Band 3 - 18

Band 4 - 9
Total - 39

Primary FOR:

Band 1 - 10
Band 2 - 15
Band 3 - 5
Band 4 - 7

Total - 37

Hmm... wat shd i say? i am generally satisfied with most of their performance... esp my P4s for getting 10 Band 1s... though P3s did not manage any Band 1s, the failure rate has dropped tremendously.. from 18 to 9.. hehe.. Band 1 for P4s increased from 9 to 10 pupils...

Outstanding class matters:

  1. check and finalise their results on Monday
  2. draft and print the student/ parent evaluation form
  3. finish the CME syllabus
  4. get my gifts ready...

had a great sleep jux now.. itz a super chilly weather outside, but the buzz is all around cox of the pasar malam jux below my house... i can smell Ramly Burger, Taiwan Sauasage, Tutu Kueh, Tako Pachi etc... but i can't eat them! cox i have a bad sore throat... and i promised dear dear i will watch my diet and not aggravate my sore throat... went to see the doc jux now to get some medicine for my swollen throat...

watching Tong Xin Yuan.. mayb i'll start to draft up the letter for parents soon.. or even type out the composition entries which i want to submit to the Bookworm Club for a competition...

miss ya dear.. think you're studying hard @ LWN library.. mug mug mug but remember to eat and sleep well too ok? i miss you sooo much.... you muxt muxt take care of your health ok? muackz muackz muackz...

Thursday, October 27, 2005


today, my kids had their Chinese SAII paper... din get to invigilate them so not sure how welll (or how poor) they did.. cox we exchanged papers to mark... hopefully most of them can do well... hehe...

came back home str8 after class ended.. supposed to play mahjong with my cousin and my aunt, but in the end din.. drank chicken soup, and den i slept from 2 plus till 7 plus.. ha... now quite energetic, but i suppose i will go back to slp soon..

throat's very pain now.. dry cough.. can feel my 'heatiness'.. gonna slp more and drink more water... hopefully the cough will 'disappear' soon...

tot could meet dear tom, but he is busy.. haiz.. nvm den.. shall stay in school to do my marking and plan activities for the kids after their exams then... ha...

after tomorrow, it will be a 2 week countdown to the end of the term... can't wait for the holidays!

final few jobs tasked before the term ends:
  1. WITS presentation with Radiah
  2. litter free campaign report (due by last wk of term 4)
  3. attend 2 day NE Seminar with Rashiqha
  4. decoration of Prize presentation backdrop
  5. prepare the parting gifts for my class.. gotta get the discs, pics etc ready...

3 'Auspicious' dates to remember:

  1. 5th Nov - Judy's ROM
  2. 19th Nov - ZPS Staff Lunch @ Hyatt Hotel
  3. 19th Nov - Mrs Chan's son's wedding dinner @ Trader's Hotel
  4. 28th Nov - Radiah's wedding @ Royal Plaza Hotel

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


waiting for the bride and the groom... Mr and Mrs Neo Mingkai...

Grp photo of both families and the solemnizer...

Mini name cards made especially for the guest.. v v sweet of her...

The table layout @ Goodwood Park Poolside Terrace...

Grp photo of Jane, me , Ashley and Mingkai... Jane's bf not in the pic cox he took the shot for us...

@ Summer's 25th bdae celebration... with Bryan, Aaron and Dickson...

Summer ger ger and me...

4 of us again...

and us again.. @ my friend's place...

Summer and me in our 'Changkat Sec' PE Tshirt...

Reliving the secondary days...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Last week was another busy week and weekend for me...

PSLE marking was finally over!! my team marked a total of 800 plus 900 compo scripts over a total and 3.5 days.. the experience was a refreshing one.. though i almost dozed off in the afternoons, esp after a heavy lunch..

i met up wif dear dear on Friday, the last day of the PSLE marking, in town for some quality time together... we went Sakae Sushi for a well-deserved break... den we wanted to catch a show @ Lido, but there was no slot available.. so we walked around for a while den we left for home.. me to my home, him to his hostel cox poor dear needs to prepare for his exams... oh yes... i finally bought tickets to the 933 Hit Awards on 3rd Nov.. dear can't go.. so i'm gg wif my friend, Summer..

had a great rest on Fri night.. woke up in the late afternoon on Saturday, prepared and den headed down to Goodwood Park to attend Ashley's ROM Solemnization Ceremony.. it was a buffet dinner reception by the poolside, super romantic.. hehe.. really happy for her... i stayed till 7 plus before walking down to Marriot Hotel to attend the wedding dinner of my HOD's eldest son.. turned out that he and his wife are both lawyers.. hehe.. the whole ballroom was filled with 61 tables.. SUPER crowded... i sat with all the Chinese teachers, and it was a simple evening and another chance for the department tcrs to get together.. of cox, the topics of the night were mainly abt the PSLE marking and our internal sch SA2 compo papers.. haaa... wat a night..

after i reached home, i rested for a while before going out again.. this time was to Summer's bdae... she held her bdae celebration @ Punggol Park.. lots of friends turned up too.. we stayed there for a while before heading to her house... had a really great time! Happy 25th birthday to Summer! hehe........ it was a great bdae celebration!

Sunday night was spent alone, slept, woke up, ate, slept, woke up, ate.. ha.. cox dear was in hall.. normally we would either go out or i'll head over to his house to spend time with him and his family.. but for the next few weeks dear'll be in hall cox of exam preparations.. can't wait for his papers to end... den we'll be flying to HK liao!! YIPEEEEEEEZ!

lots of pics.. but donnoe why i cannot post them up.. will be back once the stupid software is back to normal...

53 months, 1,612 days, 38,688 hours, 2,321,280 seconds and still counting...

hope to see our '53 yrs' mature.. ever stronger than before.. muackz dear dear...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


did i mention that last Saturday was a stressful but happening day for me? (see blog below on the results of the competition.. thks to those who remembered it and smsed me for updates... hehe...)

Basically the whole afternoon was a tensed and nerve-wrecking one.. the kids were all hoping to hear their names being called out when the final results were announced.. ha... though only 2 made it, i'm sure this has been a really wonderful experience for them.. at least i hear them using the 60 provers which they have learnt in class.. and they are starting to influence the rest of their classmates in a positive manner too! well done my dear kids!

oh yes.. i signed up for Inline Skating class organised by the Parent Volunteers Association in my school.. haiz.. no choice.. have to support and give face.. jux hope i won fall flat on my face during those 3 training days.. having to pay $38 to learn how to fall.. haha.....

i'm lucky and fortunate to have a group of close friends who really care for me.. as much as i do for them too... but many a times, some problems do not cease to be there overnight. 3rd parties can do only so much, sometimes thru the process they might even worsen the situation accidentally.. for now, i jux hope to leave things as they are and not bother abt other things or even make things worse.. i'm sure i will get to see ' the ray of light' soon...

Last sunday was a 'rainy and lazy sunday'... slept, woke up, slept woke and slept again.. ate 'Tong Heng Eggtarts' too.. SUPER DUPER yummilicious... spoke to a friend who is retaking his O levels soon.. asked me for tips on Geography.. i couldnt remember much but i tried my best to help him.. ha.. hope he does well.. hehe......

this week is PSLE marking week.. posted to PCPS to do marking... so far, 2 days have passed and it has been good... the school is quite generous with staff welfare.. provided us with free-flow drinks, biscuits, curry puffs and nasi lemak... hehe.....

went KTV @ Bishan Sing Along Karaoke with friends last night too.. jux realised that one of my friends is 26 yrs, with a 6 yr baby in tow! omg.. but she has maintained her figure... still looks quite stunning.. hehe... sang lots of songs yest night.. hehe... some duets, some solos.. hehe... den another friend sent us home.. the car windows were down as my friend drove @ 100km/h... wooo.. my hair was flying flying flying loh.. though messy but i loved the way the cold air brushed against my face... sort of freshened me up...

had dinner @ Pow Sing jux now before gg to tuition.. tom meeting Judy for dinner cox we nid to discuss abt Ashley's solemnisation ceremony on Sat... my hod's son's dinner also this sat... den another friend also celebrating her bdae this sat night.. think i got to cut myself up into 3 pieces... haiz... but no matter what i gt prepare 3 gifts.. which makes me really really BROKE...

fri got tuition, den meeting my friend to go buy tickets to the 933 hit awards... too bad dear cannot go wif us cox of his exams..

jux paid my uob bill of $850...and my Isetan bill of $150... another $200 coming up for hp bills and internet... and several other miscellanous ones which i can't remember the amounts... omg...
mummy has jux declared that she is out of job, again. YES. she sacked her boss, again. a super 'leong' October for me i guess... S.T.R.E.S.S.E.D...


Woohoo!! Last Sat was a 'si bei' exciting Saturday...

went to school early in the morning.. brought my 5 angels down to Tampines Regional Library at noon for the Quarter Finals of the Chinese Whizkids Proverbs Competition...

After a heated 3 hrs battle, 2 out of 5 of my kids made it to the next round - The SEMIFINALS!

they won for themselves $1000 cash prize EACH.. the rest of the kids went home with some $200 course voucher from Berries Learning Centre as well as a dining voucher from The Outbacks Restaurant... Sooo proud of them!!!

Cheers to Zhonghua team... and i look forward to the Semifinals held in December @ Medicorp ... News is that Guo Liang will be the host for the semifinals.. ha....

i jux hope that the dates won clash wif my HK trip ...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


i nid to blog. and get it off my chest. or else i suspect i will be hyper-ventilating very soon.

had an absolutely disappointing day in school.

for some reasons, i din manage to get good sleep yesterday. perhaps tatz y i went to school feeling irritated.

to add on to it. my Primary 3s were the last period of the day. when i went in , they were v rowdy. so i punished them and got them to stand. den Ignatius, my noisy maker started his nonsense again.

i got soooo irritated tat i WALKED out of the class. to my office. (thinking back, it was really rash of me to do that... imagine the P happened to walk around and saw the class w/o a teacher... omg..)

den i finally walked back to class 10 mins before school ended. punished them and threatened to keep them till 5pm. den donnoe y my tears started to trickle down. tears of disappointment i think. tom's their compo paper liao and i wanted to revise with them. but they were sooo noisy that i could not stand it. SUPER pek chek with them.

den one by one they starting coming forward to apologise to me. i sort of cooled down but i din show it.. i finally dismissed them @ 1.05pm and brought them down to queue for their bus. In the end, 2 boys missed their bus, started crying.. luckily another bus driver saw them n sent them back...

when i walked back to the staff room, my loud-mouthed colleague was laughing *wickedly* again... over some silly joke.. wah lao.. all the more pek chek loh.. den i walked to toilet thinking of cooling myself down..

when i came back, one of my students' mother was waiting me outside the staff room. she den proceeded to nag and lecture me about letting my kids off late.. how she gt rush and prepare food for her daughter cox she nids to go for extra lessons like tuition etc..

in the midst of our conversation, i donnoe why i teared again. JUS couldn't take it liao loh. the parent nv scold me, jux feedback to me.. den when she saw me tear she also v scared .. cox she nv scold me but i still teared... in the end she left.. den i had to rush off for weekly Contact Time.. lagi worse... after CT still had to train my kids for the competition this Sat...

but after taking a few deep breathes, i'm fine liao. more or less i guess.

it's another eye-opening experience for me. i know what i should do liao, or rather, what i should not do.

off to tuition now. thks dear for tolerating the 'moudly wa'... muackz

Tuesday, October 11, 2005



心很空 天很大 云很重
我很孤单 却赶不走
捧着她的名字 她的喜怒哀乐
往前走 多久了
一个人心中 只有一个宝贝 久了之后她变成了眼泪
泪一滴在左手凝固成为寂寞 往回看有什么


一个人心中 只有一个宝贝 久了之后她变成了眼泪
泪一滴在左手凝固成为寂寞 往回看有什么






寂寞最容易心醉 在这个闪烁世界


只怕不小心 自己也猜不出而为一句安慰崩溃

有多少梦能完美 多少感受还能够再一如从前

我和你共拥有所得过的感觉 是一种醉的唯美

我为你醉 就为了你醉 有一种叫只承认执迷不悔

能走多 远就走多远 你让我忘了苦时间

我为你醉 只为了你醉 如果有天我们发现失去了这感觉





绕一个圈 又过了一环
就算认错 就算你说

失去容易 啊回头真难
啊在生活中 每一个人

朋友啊 虽然哭泣常常让人太难堪

为身边每个人 请不要再怠慢 让爱火一再点燃
从今我不想 再听你说

失去容易 啊回头真难
啊在生活中 每一个人

朋友啊 虽然哭泣常常让人太难堪

为身边每个人 请不要再怠慢 让爱火一再点燃
从今我不想 再听你说

为身边每个人 请不要再怠慢 让爱火一再点燃
从今我不想 再听你说

Saturday, October 08, 2005


this has been a happening week..

celebrated 3 teachers' birthday on Tue... ate a western 'carrot-cake' .. tasted a bit like those fruit n raisin cake.. din relli like it.. but oh well, it was a joyous occassion afterall..

helped to invigilate the P6 EM3 students for their PSLE paper on Tue and Wed too.. 3 of them turned up late.. the whole school was so worried that they would not turn up.. Principal also ready to drive to their house to fetch them liao.. den they were spotted taking their own sweet time, strolling into the school ! haiyoh... but it was an eye opening experience for me.. the senior tcrs told me that it is common for the Em3 students to turn up at the v v v last minute... ha.....

spent 2 afternoons with my 4 darlings to prepare them for the Proverb competition next Saturday.. it seems to me that they are still not ready for it... confused with the meanings, etc... hopefully they will pick up speed this week... competition's exactly one week away...

TTC investiture was on Thu, rushed back to NIE after school ended.. passed Janice's belated bdae present to her also! though the turnout wasn't fantastic, the company was great! cheers to Saodah and her 15th Committee and i wish them all the best in the year to come... thanks so much for the Caricature drawing of me and the tokens of appreciation.. this young bunch sure looks on the ball.. hope to witness the success of yet another committee soon!

and ya! Happy belated birthday to dearest Shauna on Thu! din see her online so i could not wish her personally...

met up wif sisters for steamboat at Marina South yesterday... as there wasn't any ATMs at Marina Bay control station, the 4 of us were living on a shoe-string budget... haha.. but we still managed to have a great and fufilling meal, complete with drinks and a cab ride! heeh... thks sisters for the great night.... a pity ah yan couldn't join us as she had tuition at that time... but she still won mj after thatl... can buy ah mei sweets liao... yeah... yan... you're in charge of the the next gathering ok? not too long hor.. haa.....

upon reaching home, i slept like a log till 7pm today!!! woke up here and there... but went back sleep within the next 10 mins or so.. this morning donnoe wat the contractors doing outside my house.. lots of drilling and banging.. aiyoh.. couldn't sleep at all!!! idiots! supposed to meet dear in the evening and go collect our air tickets.. but both of us fell asleep.. woke up only at 7 plus..

hehe.. so here i am... at hme updating my blog..... still v dazed as i have not slept for SOoooooooo long for a long time liao....... feels great!!!

a very happening week! not much pics tough, except for a few taken @ the TTC 15th Mgmt Comm investiture!

next week's my kids' SA2 compo and listening compre exams.. wish them all the best! Quarterfinals for the Provebs Championship coming up next Saturday! those who qualified will be guaranteed at least $1000 cash each.. hope my kids will do their BEST!

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Based on Wang Anyi's Changhen Ge, the multi-award winning novel that was voted the most influential work of the 90s in China , Everlasting Regret follows a legendary Shanghai beauty from her glamorous days to her simpler life, as she struggles to preserve the dignity of her past while surviving the constant betrayal of her men. She stands tall and proud as she bears witness to the waves of changes to her city from 1947 to 1981, until one wave finally overwhelms her.

Saturday, October 01, 2005



dear's bringing me to Hong Kong in December!!! YEAH!!!!!!! YIPEE!!!!

we went to recee for the best lobangs last week.. and today we finally decided and paid the deposit at one of the travel agencies...

$600 for 5D4N.. with the following:

4 nights stay @ Mayfair Gdns Hotel
Free Airport Transfer
Half Day City Tour
One Day Shenzhen Tour

Places i wanna go: (do drop a note in my tag board if you have good recommendations!)

Ladies Street
Temple Street
Causeway Bay
Disney Land
Ocean Park
Lan Kwai Fong

From now till December.. less spending on unnecessary items.. gonna save to shop shop shop in Hong Kong!!!

Thank you my No. 8... love you!

Really looking forward to the trip!


Today was Childrens' Day celebrations. I was the emcee for the event and the whole event went quite smoothly ... My dept's performance earned lots of applause and laughter from the kids as it was a rare chance for them to see their chinese teachers in action.. haaaaa...... no pics for this section as we were all busy on stage.. but i'll try to get the pics from my colleagues...

Besides our 'Shang Hai Tan' performance, there was also "Zhonghua Idol", a comical skit put up by several teachers... Vincent was 'Banana Man'.. Chui Hoon was "Miss Pinky", Lifang was "Lemon Tan" and Joe was 'Ma Tao Man'... SUPER hilarious!!!

after the concert performance, it was back to class for my P2s and P3s... did not manage to see my P4s today as their periods were used up for the concert.. so i gave them their Childrens' Day presents a day earlier... Lots of fun, lots of balloons... the Magician made several balloons for me... the kids got soooo envious... wished he had made more balloons so that i could give out to more children... i had a really great time... so enjoy the pictures!


yet another week has passed... before i noe it.. Term 4's coming to an end in another 6-7 weeks...

a SUPER DUPER busy week it has been. Oral Examinations since last week, as well as this week... keeping me busy till at least 430pm everyday... not forgetting the rehearsal sessions for the Childrens' Day well as being official for Lower Primary Sports Day (pictures below...)

anyway.. the Sports day went v v v well! the kids enjoyed themselves very much.. and my Primary 2 class came in 2nd in the Inter-class Competition..