this has been a happening week..
celebrated 3 teachers' birthday on Tue... ate a western 'carrot-cake' .. tasted a bit like those fruit n raisin cake.. din relli like it.. but oh well, it was a joyous occassion afterall..
helped to invigilate the P6 EM3 students for their PSLE paper on Tue and Wed too.. 3 of them turned up late.. the whole school was so worried that they would not turn up.. Principal also ready to drive to their house to fetch them liao.. den they were spotted taking their own sweet time, strolling into the school ! haiyoh... but it was an eye opening experience for me.. the senior tcrs told me that it is common for the Em3 students to turn up at the v v v last minute... ha.....
spent 2 afternoons with my 4 darlings to prepare them for the Proverb competition next Saturday.. it seems to me that they are still not ready for it... confused with the meanings, etc... hopefully they will pick up speed this week... competition's exactly one week away...
TTC investiture was on Thu, rushed back to NIE after school ended.. passed Janice's belated bdae present to her also! though the turnout wasn't fantastic, the company was great! cheers to Saodah and her 15th Committee and i wish them all the best in the year to come... thanks so much for the Caricature drawing of me and the tokens of appreciation.. this young bunch sure looks on the ball.. hope to witness the success of yet another committee soon! and ya! Happy belated birthday to dearest Shauna on Thu! din see her online so i could not wish her personally...
met up wif sisters for steamboat at Marina South yesterday... as there wasn't any ATMs at Marina Bay control station, the 4 of us were living on a shoe-string budget... haha.. but we still managed to have a great and fufilling meal, complete with drinks and a cab ride! heeh... thks sisters for the great night.... a pity ah yan couldn't join us as she had tuition at that time... but she still won mj after thatl... can buy ah mei sweets liao... yeah... yan... you're in charge of the the next gathering ok? not too long hor.. haa.....
upon reaching home, i slept like a log till 7pm today!!! woke up here and there... but went back sleep within the next 10 mins or so.. this morning donnoe wat the contractors doing outside my house.. lots of drilling and banging.. aiyoh.. couldn't sleep at all!!! idiots! supposed to meet dear in the evening and go collect our air tickets.. but both of us fell asleep.. woke up only at 7 plus..
hehe.. so here i am... at hme updating my blog..... still v dazed as i have not slept for SOoooooooo long for a long time liao....... feels great!!!
a very happening week! not much pics tough, except for a few taken @ the TTC 15th Mgmt Comm investiture!
next week's my kids' SA2 compo and listening compre exams.. wish them all the best! Quarterfinals for the Provebs Championship coming up next Saturday! those who qualified will be guaranteed at least $1000 cash each.. hope my kids will do their BEST!