Monday, July 18, 2005


no mood to mark worksheets.. rather spend my time blogging.. haha... nid to destress and download the 'informations' from my head to the pc...

CASE STUDY #1 - P2 boy

he is autistic. the class doesn not like him. only one boy is nice enough to hold his hands everytime the class lines up. he will refuse to do work sometimes. can be intimidated whenever i raise my voice angrily. has not resorted to hiding under table or chairs so far. loves to play games, like any other kid. chinese standard above average. but difficult to maintain concentration.

CASE STUDY #2 - P2 boy

he is an attention seeker. lovessss to get my attention by doing all kinds of stupid things such as purposely not doing his homework, talking loudly, playing and disturbing others etc. but tends to cry if i embarrass him in front of the whole class. lives wif his grandfather. refuses to talk much about his parents.

CASE STUDY #3 - P2 girl

she is from China. supposed to be @ least P4 or P5 but is in P2 due to her english standards. super tall and lanky girl, few friends in the class except for Shermaine. the local kids don like to sit near her nor play wif her.. jux found out today that her mum does massages for others to earn a living in Singapore. not sure what kind of massage it is... but one thing is that she does not have anyone to help her in her sch work cox her mum cannot speak english...

CASE STUDY # 4 - P3 Caucasian boy

he is supposed to be my student but he has not been doing his work ever since he was with the last teacher. apparently, the form tcr has been asking the boy's parents to drop Chinese.. v v disruptive boy who plays with almost everything he can lay his hands on. scissors, penknives, gloves etc.. aiyah.. have to tame him down by scolding. one weakness. he has a serious case of rashes and loves to cry...

CASE STUDY #5 - P4 girl

She is undergoing counselling in school twice a week. refuses to talk to pple, even throwing tantrums. that day, she packed her bag and threatened to walk out of my class. i stopped her, shouted at her and she wailed. like a baby. but managed to calm her down in 3 mins by asking her to do her fav activity - draw. today i confiscated her radio cox she listening it and disturbing the rest in class. in the end she cried non-stop and used a marker to draw all her books. when i finally spoke to her at the end of the day, she was alright again. v v tempermental

CASE STUDY #6 - P4 boy

a boy who has been 'notorious' since 2 yrs ago when i was @ ZPS. notorious for not doing homework, bad behaviour. however, i feel that he has tamed down a lot already.. willing to do homework.. but donnoe y his books will always go MIA one.. his mum came to the sch last fri.. spoke to me abt his missing books. asked him to see me aftr class and i spoke to him.. realised his parents divorced, staying wif an 'uncle' who is working in the army. the mum is a beer promoter. again, no one to turn to for help academically. another shocking discovery: his right eyebrows were trimmed off while he was sleeping (accd to him).. not sure if it was his drunkard 'uncle' or mother.. and i really wanna find out... haiz...

off to bed for now.. more case studies when i not sleepy...

take care yan... nightz dear...

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