Monday, April 11, 2005


a happy monday for me... had a great night yesterday... minimal studying.. but dear brought 'wen nuan pai' dinner from Sengkang for me... yummy curry chicken, vegetables with carrot and pig trotters and steamed egg with minced meat.. a simple meal, yet very warmingly delivered into my stomach...

after that rushed off to tuition.. totally forgot that i had tuition @ night... was late for a while.. but the worst thing was that i literally fell asleep during tuition.. luckily i had my phone wif me.. kept myself awake by reading jokes sent by my friend... haha.....

came back hall, bathed, rested for a while and tried stardeeing again.. plan failed as i felt sleepy.. laid on the bed for a nice chat wif dear's mum to thank her for the delicious dinner, tok to my mum too.. and dear also.. as well as a few more friends.. den i fell asleep wif my wet hair.. woke up a while later cox my phone rang and i got a surprise supper from friends cox they knew i was studying.. so sweet of them... ate Boon Lay nasi lemak and teh tarik.... after that was a little bit more of studying in bed with my notes before i finally concussed out at donnoe-what-time...

woke up this morning to another 'wen nuan pai' breakfast cum lunch from dear... tasty fried bee hoon and mee, topped with an egg and 2 chicken pieces! heheh......

CAC105 seems like a v heavy module.. can't seem to finish doing the notes.. Malay's not an easy paper too.. most prob i will start memorising malay from wed onwards.. right now itz full force for the 105 paper...

i miss my family, i miss my dear dear.. i miss my friends... but i know that 'wo shi xing fu de' ...

I REALLY HONESTLY SERIOUSLY DEFINITELY SURELY got to work hard now... 7 more days to my 1st paper.. do i feel the pressure kicking in or what?!?!

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