Monday, April 18, 2005


got stumped by this question during my malay exam. came out in the section which i had the most confidence in - composition.

nv did i expect such a topic.. i mean i can write about cooking, driving, shopping, my family, my house.. even on sports (cox tcr taught us nouns like badminton, soccer, swimming pool etc..).....


those who noe me well will know that i've like a hermit for the past 4 yrs... w/o the luxury of a television, let alone watch television programmes. yes occassionally i do watch, but how the hell does one convert chinese words to malay?? how the hell do you say tv drama serials like 1/2 yuan2 fen4, star awards, cartoons, touching storyline, suspense and action, or even, Zoe Tay and even Joanna Peh in malay?!?!?!

luckily, i have a friend who loves to watch news, and he has been updating me with the news recently when we chat on the phone... and heng i recalled the news = berita (malay)... hence i wrote a whole chunk of rubbish with lots of grammar mistakes... but still betta than leaving the section blank and getting 10 marks less... arghhhh....

had to jux 'hum tum' wateva vocab i could draw out frm my word bank - news, stories, reported, special stories, weather forecast, interesting stories etc....

in the end i wrote a 10 sentence , as required for a mini essay... it went smth like this (in malay of cox)

i love to watch news with my family. although there are many different tv progs, i prefer news to music programs. i only watch the news twice a day, once at 5pm, the other at 10pm. the news that are reported by the chinese lady (i donnoe watz malay for broadcaster!!!) has many interesting stories.

sometimes, there are also special stories, such as animals being killed in the zoo, students hitting their teachers in school and kids falling in to the drains (a bit lame i noe... but these were the only phrases in complete malay which i could think of as examples..)

i like to watch the news because i can know the weather in Singapore as well as in countries overseas, like Malaysia for example.

I can learn many things when i watch and listen to the news. My family also likes to watch the news. I like to converse with my family when i am watching the news.

I feel very happy when i can get to watch the news on television.

ARGH. i hope the tcr doesnt freak out upon seeing my essay.

the other components were ok... as usual there were a few diff ones...

oh well... like wat dear says. itz jUST a G.E! super glad that it is over....

gonna tune back to chinese channel now... 2 more chinese papers b4 my exams are over!

gonna nap a while.. though my mind's still fresh cox of the essence of chicken that i drank..

REAL studying tonight.... in Chinese...

not gg to watch any TV.. suddenly i hate the TV soooo much.... argh

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