Monday, April 23, 2007


reached school super early this morning.

0615hrs to be exact.

usually, i'm not even up at this time, but somehow i managed to step into sch early this morning. wanted to take a bus to sch but in the end i still succumbed to the temptations of a cab...

din really get a good rest last night.

i think i even heard pple knocking on my door ard 11pm...

luckily i had Zhang Ying on 88.3 to keep me company...


i have a cold, a sore throat, 2 blistered heels and a swollen left hand.

accidentally knocked into the wall in my sch this morning... suffered a small cut too.. the area is now slightly bruised... but much better than wat i saw this mornig at ard 8am. din noe that it would create an impact.. i always tot that knocks and bruises dont hurt that much.. itz normal.. esp for a person who gets bumped so very often.. but this morning i realised that it is not the case. ouch.

pple say i'm too soft hearted, too indecisive and too easily swayed by my emotions. as a result i always kenna arrowed and given situations where i cannot simply just refuse them and say no.

pple also say that i am stubborn and i insist on getting things done my way without allowing any room for communication nor negotiation....

what do you think?


it's a very very bad monday today. and i have totally no idea what i am writing.

the only consolation? my flu seems to be a lil better. hope i recover in time for the P6 Oral examinations later this afternoon.

and yes. dear's having his 1st paper today... promised to wake him up @ 645am but i din. luckily he managed to wake up by himself. sorry dear.. i'll make it up to you by waking you up tom morning? haha....

i miss you...

reality check: 3 more days of freedom for me before i get drown in the sea of work.

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