Sunday, July 16, 2006


Grp photo of 5A & 5B teachers...

View of the choir stand...

Me and the noise maker....

Mdm Soh and me....

The flower i got from the motivator...

Red Lions... which reminded of the freak accident last yr @ the Padang...

Mdm Humairiah and me...

We are Singapore.. Singaporeans...

I lurve the cap!
Here and there....
The escort convoy.... the only picture i could managed but a pity itz blur.

My kids!


i had a great time @ the stadium with my kids...

was supposed to attend a colleague's daughter's wedding dinner @ Marriot Hotel last night, but my NE coordinator needed me to help bring 5B to the NE Show.. so no choice, had to give up the dinner... anyway i tot it was really meaningful to visit the last ndp @ the national stadium before it is gone... and also... a friend of mine was participating in the show too as the president's escort convoy... and i got a chance to see it LIVE! so proud of him! *beams*

day started in sch @ 12pm.. went back to do some marking after brunch wif dear and sister... rained ard 1pm.. but luckily the rain stopped jux before we were about to set off to the stadium... managed to settled the kids quickly and distributed the goodie bags to them.. everyone was sooo excited... including me!!

i love the white cap with the national flag that can flash! and also the nokia hp torchlight! heeh...

saw a lot of friends there... JC Friend Jingyi (she's working for the media now!!), my NIE classmates like Shun Cheng, Erlin and lots lots more.. haha...

and also a lot of friendly army personnels there... haah.. helped me to clear the way so that my class could enter wif a breeze... heeh...

and also a motivator who kindly made me a nice flower balloon.. all my students got soooo jealous of it and kept pestering him to make them one too! haha....

my school was allocated a 'feng shui' seat... jux next to the flying fox stunt performed by Gurmit Singh, Michelle Chia and Jean Deanker... so so so nice!! heheheeh.. and we also got a bird eye's view of the parade.. managed to see the escort convoy, the fireworks happening jux above my head... the choir in full view.. ehhee... cool man...

i m proud to be a singaporean. i sang all the songs wif pride and joy.. and my kids were so stunned to see me so 'high'.. and i love the song 'Absolutely Everybody' most!!!

Absolutely Everybody Everybody Everybody
Absolutely Everybody in the whole wide world
Absolutely Everybody Everybody Everybody
Absolutely Everybody


NE Show ended at 8 plus.. but our sch was one of the last to be called to leave the stadium.. reached sch ard 1030pm.. super tired liao... but i had a great slp last night.. cosy under my comforter...

oh yes, i sinned again yesterday. a boy from Woodlands Pri offered me this innocent looking pc of white chocolate. i din want to break his heart by rejecting it.. so i took it, and savoured every bit of it.

itz really sinful i know... but i can't help it!

think i m falling in love with white chocolate!

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