Tuesday, January 03, 2006


MY first day of school was amazing!!

met my students from the 3 classes... all v v adorable... hehe... relli wanna pinch all their cheeks... haaaaa

4A class is well behaved generally, gave them the 1st homework todae.. a compo.. ha...

5E is really weak... i mean literally and figuratively... 5 EM3 callibre but in Em2 stream.. wonder how they are going to cope... re-teaching Pearlyn (the ger who threatened to walk out of my class with her school bag some months back... but now loves me sooo much), Marcus (my sleeping king... the one who likes to and can cycle very well...) and Xianwei (ger wif the same surname as me, but very quiet, dilligent, but slightly weak in Chinese) this yr again...

met up with Lai Huat and Sally Goh... the 2 Em3 students placed in my class... first taught them when i was doing my practicum in 2002.. they were only P2 then.... how time flies... they betta not give me trouble man...

my P1 are soooooooooo adorable... 28 of them... one Philipino, one Singaporean-Indonesian, one Malay, one Caucasian.. all doing Chinese! omg.........i got a feeling the philipino and the malay cannot make it... well, shall observe them for a period.. if relli cannot make it den i gg apply for exemption for them...

slpt @ 10pm yest, woke up @ 6am today... v v refreshing.

itz 1130pm.. i betta go slp now if i wanna feel refreshed tom too...

a long wed tom.. contact time... betta get enuff slp now...

off to bed... dear i miss you..hugz and muackz... ilu

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