Friday, March 25, 2005



my pc jux hung.. and my prev entry is gone jux like that!!! arggghhh!

as i was saying..... (shall blog in point form! angry to retype everything again!)

  1. todae is Gd Friday but me still up in mountains stardeeing... haiz.. the *pre-exam-mugging-syndrome* has started yet once again! buy glad that itz the last time i'm experiencing this liao... gg step into the working world soon.. finished almost half of my Malay exam syallbus .... yeah.. so happy! hahaha... gg stardee somemore later...
  2. cooked pasta for dear and me todae... itz the SUPER many ingredients PASTA once again: minced meat, meat balls, shitake mushroom and button mushroom! hahaha. yummy yummy, esp the shitake mushroom.. so long nv cook liao....
  3. was 'sunning' my mattress juz now.. den all of a sudden started to rain... so i draggggg it back to my room frm the ledge... haha..... now itz standing @ my door cox i got no strength to carry it to my bed! dear help!! hahahahaah
  4. chatting online wif ah yan now.. but i keep getting kicked out frm MSN... stupid... now using the web system to access... yeah.. ah yan won $$ from mj last night.. can buy sweets for ah mei on mon liao! hahaah....... yan.. rem to bring ur CAC105 notes on mon k.. final revision lecture.. ;op

tatz it for now... be back later for more updates if i'm free...

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